

You have discovered a place where truth and inspiration meet; on this platform, we are dedicated to your journey of a walk with God and personal growth in every area of life.

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Spiritual Edification & Personal Development

Through the wisdom and power of Scriptures, insightful teachings.  Join us in exploring a path of deeper understanding and heartfelt worship. Our ministry focuses on Spiritual Edification and Personal Development, though sharing the truth of Scriptures, and other factual sources. And also through music, we worship God, and draw inspiration to fulfil our purpose in life.

Worship & Music

With uplifting music, we celebrate and honor God, the Creator of all things for a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Personal Development

Explore the wisdom and power of scriptures and factual sources to guide your personal growth and decision-making and self-improvement.

Spiritual Edification

Access a selection of articles, devotionals, and teachings designed to enrich your spiritual journey.


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Kunle Ministers about TB Joshua BBC Documentary

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Kunle Ministers that Jesus is NOT Coming back for Rapture as Scripture and History teach.

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Kunle Ministers the History of Nigerian-Israeli British West African Coins

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Kunle Ministers Lifted High (Yahuwa) LIVE

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Kunle Ministers 20+ Yorùbá words that are the same as the Hebrew. Also some words from Igbo, Hausa, Amharic etc.

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Kunle Ministers the Exposing of the Whitewashing of Ajàyí Crowther and Josephus

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Kunle Ministers 10 REAL Bible (Arabia Israeli border) Locations in the Sahel & West Africa according to Josephus.

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Kunle Ministers the REAL Location of Samaria in Guinea, Accra & Benin according to Josephus.

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Kunle Ministers on Key Secrets in the Book of Enoch

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What's New

Here are some informative and concise excerpts to give you a jump start and peep into our journey of discoveries in KM World History and more. 

Exposing of the Whitewashing of Bishop Samuel Ajàyí Crowther
Yoruba Hebrews in Ondo district of present day Nigeria (Citation from the Book "From Babylon to Timbuktu")
25+ Yoruba Hebrew Words with the Hebrew Strong's numbers
Samaria in Guinea, Accra Bene (Benin), West Africa (Citation from the Book "Wars of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus)
10 Scriptural Israel and Arab border locations found in West Africa (Citation from the Book "Antiquities of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus and Google maps)

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